Permanent Hair Reduction
SkinBase™ IPL emits beams of visible pulsed light onto the skin. This light is absorbed by melanin in the hair and turns into heat energy. Providing there is sufficient melanin in the hair this heat disables the hair follicle so it can no longer produce a hair.
Permanent hair reduction is only possible if the hair is in the anagen growth phase. Only approximately 30% of hairs are in this growth phase at any one time which is why for permanent hair reduction, most areas of the body will need between 6-10 treatments. This can vary from client to client.
Body Single Treatment Course of 6
Bikini £70 £400
High Bikini. £95 £500
Brazilian £120 £600
Underarms. £70. £400
full leg £200 £800
1/2 leg £150 £700
lip and chin £70. £400